Statement of condemnation and denunciation of the death sentence of a detainee

We condemn_ stenker in the strongest terms Mkamt_ be militias_ Houthi_ of_ issuing_ and support L primary death sentenceB. Another death sentence RightlyThe abductor Abdulrahman Ali Ali Shaybah Abducted in national security prisons Dated on 18.01.2017He was tortured and forcedTo sign the naked papers for healthThe president of the organization witnessed the Houthis’ crimes The right of the kidnapped Abdulrahman Al-Shiba from the category of (marginalized) The Houthi Criminal Militia Court in Sana’a issued the death penalty on 12/5/2018 The Houthi Court of Appeal upheld the death sentence Abducted Abdulrahman Ali Ali Shaybah It was added to Lebanon on 27/10/2019During one session Without the prohibition of the abductor’s lawyer Abductor Abdulrahman al-Shaibah believe in his innocence and justice of his case We warn Houthi militias Of any implementation of these provisions We appeal to the United Nations and the Human Rights Council International organizations and the UN Security Council Working to release the kidnapped ShaybahAnd all the abductees And protect it before the Houthi militias commit any Foolishness against the kidnapped being a (marginalized) category The Houthis asked to appeal Execution It is a serious development and a clear call to kill the abductees We condemn this sentence and all death sentences Against the detainees and demand the HouthisHe released him and released all the abductees Issued by ERADA Organization Against Torture and Enforced Disappearance Saturday, November 2, 2019 #ICRC_en#OSE_Yemen#ICRC_ye#UNarabic#AmnestyAR#UNNewsArabic#FortiethViolence_Collage_Community