statement : condemn Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance ، We condemn in the strongest terms a job The so-called terrorist / Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada

statement : condemn Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance ، We condemn in the strongest terms a job The so-called terrorist / Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada, head of the so-called National Prisoners Committee affiliated with the terrorist Houthi militia Brutal assault with severe beating The kidnapped journalist, Tawfiq Al-Mansoori, who hit him on the head until his skull was broken and he was subjected to severe bleeding, until he was about to die, and his health condition is in the dangerous stageThe rise of the leaders of the terrorist Houthi militia By torturing journalists, Tawfiq Al-Mansouri and his colleagues It is a continuous flagrant violation of human rights and a criminal act ._ At the end of last November The kidnapped journalist, Tawfiq Al-Mansouri, was subjected to organized terrorism and criminal assault that requires legal prosecution ، Tawfiq al-Mansouri is subjected to barbaric and brutal torture And his colleagues, Akram Al-Walidi, Abdul Khaleq Omran and Harith Hameed In solitary cells in the basement of the Central Security Camp prison in Sana’a, then in a ground cell where they lack the most basic necessities of life ، We are in Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance ،We show everyone that the brutal torture carried out by the terrorist Abd al-Qadir al-Murtada Chairman of the negotiating delegation committee of the terrorist Houthi militia on the journalist Tawfiq Al Mansouri It is a criminal and brutal attack and a flagrant violation of all international human rights covenants And a flagrant violation of all United Nations charters and all heavenly and earthly constitutions and laws ._ The attack of the Houthi leader Abd al-Qadir al-Murtada, head of the Houthi Prisoners Committee, his brother Abu Shihab al-Murtada, and his deputy Abu Hussein Kidnapping and torturing patients with diabetes, heart disease and an enlarged prostate is barbaric and immoral ، Although the arrest itself is a violation of humanitarian and international law The direct attack by the head of the Houthi negotiating delegation on an unarmed and bound kidnapped journalist is a brutal act ، What the terrorist Houthi militia is doing against journalists Tawfiq Al-Mansoori, Abdul-Khaleq Omran, Harith Hamid and Akram Al-Walidi brutally torture them ، Transferring them to solitary cells 70 days ago is a criminal act that requires accountability and judicial prosecution. We accuse the leaders of the Houthi militia of committing war crimes _ On the first of last August, the terrorist Houthi militia transported journalists Tawfiq Al-Mansouri and Harith Hamid Abdul-Khaliq Omran To solitary cells on the ground floor of the Central Security Camp Prison in Sana’a ، At the beginning of August 2022, each one of them was isolated in a solitary cell, and they were tortured continuously Under the supervision of the terrorist Abd al-Qadir al-Murtada, head of the Houthi Prisoners Committee, his terrorist brother Abu Shihab al-Murtada, and his deputy, the terrorist Abu Hussein al-Razhi ، And the terrorist Hassan Al-Saeedi and the terrorist Hussein Al-Dailami ، Their torture and enforced disappearance continued for 45 days, without even allowing their colleagues who were with them in the “fence” group cells to know their fate, and then returning them to the cells above the ground floor The work of the terrorist criminal / Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada Beating journalist Tawfiq Al-Mansouri is a criminal act ، And he brutally hit him with a baton on his head several times, which led to his head splitting as a result, and he was not satisfied with that, but the terrorist Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada participated, in turn, with his brother Abu Shihab and Abu Hussein Al-Razhi in torturing Tawfiq while he was in a state of severe bleeding ، Until late at night, he was not taken to the camp medical clinic until after he lost consciousness .To this day, the terrorist Houthi militias prevent blankets and mattresses from the four journalists and replace them with paper cartons systematic torture To subject them to freezing to destroy their bodies and psyches ، The terrorist Houthi militia isolated them in a cell completely devoid of heating tools Blankets and sleeping mats, preventing them from communicating or going out in the sun ، The Houthi supervisor, Abu Zaid, takes charge of introducing the food by throwing it at them from a small window in the cell door .We are in Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance We condemn these Houthi terrorist criminal acts against the abductees and prisoners, and we hold the Houthi militia, at their head, The terrorist Abd al-Qadir al-Murtada, head of the so-called Houthi “prisoners’ committee”, his brother Abu Shihab al-Murtada, his deputy Abu Hussein al-Razhi and their companions full responsibility for the lives of kidnapped journalists Tawfiq Al-Mansoori and his fellow journalists, Harith Hamid, Abdul Khaleq Omran and Akram Al-Walidi ، _We call on human rights organizations, international organizations and the United Nations to intervene to save their lives quickly and to release them unconditionally And urgently transfer them outside the areas of control of the terrorist Houthi militia To receive the necessary treatment and to provide them with health care, and we call on all free writers, social figures and journalists to stand with the kidnapped and the families of the kidnapped

.issued by Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance Issued on the first of December 2022 AD Republic of Yemen