Houthi’s death sentences against 49 Yemeni civilians are crimes against humanity

Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance condemns in the strongest terms death sentences imposed by Houthis militia’s Specialized Criminal Court in Sana’a on against 44 people, including 16 people are sentenced in absentia and while 28 were brought before the Specialized Criminal Court in the capital, Sanaa according to the case No 25 of 2023 – 2024 pending before the court against the following accused persons:1- Amar Mohammed Muhsen aAn-najar, 39 years old, resides in Marib, in absentia. 2- Abdurrahman Ahmed Saeed Ar-ramisi, 59 years old, resides6in Marib, in absentia. 3- Naser Mabkhut Esmail Hussein Thamer, 35 years old, in absentia. 4- Mohammed Muqpel Hussein Ar-rasheedi, 48 years old, resides in Marib, in absentia. 5- Abdulaziz Ali Ahmed Al-hada, 46 years old, resides in Marib, in absentia. 6- Abdu Saleh Hameed Al-jaberi (Abdussalam Al-jaberi), 33 years old, resides in Marib, in absentia. 7- Fuad Mohammed Hussein Qarmous, 48 years old, resides in Marib, in absentia.8- Mujahed Ali Saleh Al-jadsi, 48 years old, resides in Marib, in absentia.9- Sameer Hussein Mohammed Al-umari (Tariq – Ahmed), 33 years old, resides in Taiz, imprisoned.10- Ahmed Saleh Ali Saleh Al-kaheel, 37 years old, Sana’a, imprisoned. 11- Sadam Ali Hussein Ayedh Al-maliki, 32 years old, Emran, imprisoned. 12- Ameen Yahya Ali Abdullah Al-yashe’i, 30 years old, Emran, imprisoned. 13- Sayaf Mohammed Ahmed As-sakhaini, 37 years old, imprisoned. 14- Sadiq Yahya Haza’a Al-usaimi, 30 years old, imprisoned. 15- Zayed Sultan Saleh Al-idi, 25 years old, Sana’a, imprisoned.16- Gameel Ali Hadi Mohammed Kandou, 34 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.17- Ebrahim Saleh Mohammed An-naseeri, 26 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned. 18- Ghamdan Ali Abdullah Ar-roumi, 27 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned. 19- Osamah Mohammed Al-ezi Mohammed Qabel, 26 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned. 20- Ahmed Ahmed Abdrabbuh Nasser Al-hudiagi, 42 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned. 21- Bayhan Mohammed Ali Adh-dhebyani, 38 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned. 22- Shadad Gabr Abdullah Mohammed Al-khubaji, 40 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.23- Taha Mohammed Ahmed Sa’ad As-samawi, 34 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.24- Abdulkareem Hussein Ali Ali Ash-shanafi, 30 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.25- Ali Ahmed Ali Mohammed Al-ubari, 39 years old, Dhamar, in absentia. 26- Ali Hussein Saleh Madel, 35 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.27- Ali Abdullah Ahmed Ali Al-hashidi, 27 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.28- Mohammed Abdullateef Mohammed Az-zarari, 26 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.29- Mohammed Abdullah Saeed Al-masqari, 45 years old, dham3, imprisoned.30- Mohammed Abdullah Aziz Qayid Al-ja’wari, 30 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.31- Mohammed Ali Hussein Saleh Al-asl, 36 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.32- Mukhtar Muthana Ahmed Ali Al-kumani, 29 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.33- Maeen Mohammed Qasem Ali Hurqdah, 29 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.34- Naser Ali Mohammed Ash-shanafi, 40 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.35- Naseem Mohammed Mane’a Mused Al-maqdishi, 28 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.36- Hani Mohammed Ali Ahmed Al-mankiri, 29 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.37- Yahya Mohammed Abdurazaq Al-umari, 46 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned.38- Zaid Nasser Ahmed Al-uraiq, 45 years old, Marib, in absentia.39- Hussein Saleh Hussein Ar-rasheedi, 25 years old, Marib, in absentia.40- Khalid Saleh Ahmed Ali Al-hadad, 41 years old, Marib, in absentia.41- Mohammed Hamoud Ahmed Muqbel Al-mrami, 46 years old, Marib, in absentia.42- Sa’d Sa’d Abdullah Al-hadadi, 50 years old, Marib, in absentia.43- Yousef Mohammed Ahmed Ahmed Daileh, 37 years old, Sana’a, imprisoned.44- Rashad Abdullah Mohammed Saeed Ash-shmrani, 40 years old, Sana’a, imprisoned.45- Hilal Hamoud Ali Al-Qumali, 37 years old, Marib, in absentia.46- Mohammed Yahya Yahya Al-hidimah, 30 years old, Marib, in absentia.47- Hamdi Ahmed Mohammed Hussein Al-umari, 35 years old, Sana’a, imprisoned.48- Wadhah Qasim Ahmed Al-humauqani, 26 years old, Dhamar, release order.49- Ahmed Abdullateef Mohammed Az-zarari, 40 years old, Dhamar, imprisoned. knowing that Mohammed Al-masqari, Hamid Al-Umari, Nasser Ash-shanafi and Wadhah Al-humaiqani were sentenced to imprisoned, while Ahmad Az-zrari had a release order but his file were retransmitted to public prosecution. As we, Eradah org, condemn these death sentences and Forced disappearance imposed by Houthis militia, we confirm that all these death sentences are considered political decisions incompatible with the provisions of human values and Yemeni and international humanitarian laws. Houthis militia extracted confessions of abductees civilians under torture in solitary confinements, where the abductees stayed in for 9 months deprived of contacting their families or had their rights to defend themselves before the court. Abdulmajeed Sabrah, the abductees’ lawyer resigned from defending them from the first session due to Houthis militia’s rejection to give him the cases papers. Accordingly, he couldn’t submit and defences. The persons who were given death sentences are civilians arbitrarily abducted from their homes or workplaces, then subjected to forced disappearance for a long time by Houthis militia. During the detention, Houthis militia was extracted confessions from them under torture.We, Eradah org, confirm that such verdicts didn’t have any legal basis and had nothing in common with justice. Thus, we demand the international community represented by United Nations, UN Security Council, special rapporteur on torture, Special Rapporteur on situations of extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions and human rights defenders to take a firm stand against Houthis militia’s violations of human rights, immediately interven to suspend those sentences, release the abductees immediately and unconditionally, held accountable on Houthis for committing such crimes against human rights and ensuring non-impunity. Issued by Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance Sunday, June 23, 2024 Yemen Republic