Crime of enforced disappearance in Yemen…. Yemeni civilians paying the price. (organized terror & constant violations)

August 30The International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance As the world marks the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance, we should recognize the painful reality in Yemen, as thousands of civilians sitting in secret Houthis’ jails, who stripped of mercy and humanity. Thousands of Yemeni enforced disappeared, representing society elite, journalists, students even farmers, children and women, face the death behind the bars of Houthis. They live in tragic conditions under oppression, prevented from their basic rights inside Houthis militia’s prisons. The hatred and terrorism of Houthis militia wasn’t only depriving enforced disappeared of decent life, freedom, sunlight, pure air, communication with their families or visits, but also killing extrajudicially 17 abductees by shooting on their heads after kidnapping them from Harf Sufyan district to a secret prison located in Wadi Mathab of As-safra’a district of Sa’dah. The citizen Yahya Saleh Al-aizri is detained in Houthis militia’s jails in Sana’a since its coup on Sept 21, 2014 and refused to disclose his detention place. Also, Fawzy Obaid, Esmaeel Ar-ramadi, Shakeeb Alan and Emad At-talibi are subjected to enforced disappearance for 8 years, Moreover, their families are not allowed to communicate them or checking up on them. We, The Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope), feel sorry and sad for the conditions of thousands victims detaining in Houthis militia’s jails, who live in tragic situations under torture enduring the suffering of being a way from their families. As enforced disappearance and torture are blatant violation of human rights, we always call on Yemeni legitimate authority to take urgent actions to stop Houthis militia’s violations of all types against human rights.All Yemeni people have the right to a dignified life, free from terror, abduction, enforced disappearance and torture. Subjecting anybody to enforced disappearance and Torture, that resulting in harming victims and degrading them and inflicting serious psychological damage on them and their families, constitutes an attack on core human values and international standards of human rights. As we were one of the victims of enforced disappearance and torture, and not obtaining justice and redress, we will struggle for reducing such crimes, revealing the truth and achieving justice for all abductees. We, The Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope), call for taking all necessary measures to guarantee the protection of the victims’ families, demanding to investigate all cases of torture and forced disappearance and holding the involved in these grave violations accountable. As the World today is well aware of the issues of enforced disappeared, we demand achieve justice and bring an end to such heinous practice to ensure the protection of human rights in Yemen and worldwide. In the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance, we must all listen to the voices of enforced disappearance victims and their families. UN and local and international community should to stand with them seeking to release them and achieving justice. We, The Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope), call upon all human rights orgs locally and internationally to denounce and condemn keeping on disappearance and torture of thousands of civilians by Houthis militia. We call upon UN, Security Council, OHCHR and ICRC to carry out their responsibilities regarding Houthis militia’s crimes against humanity, including enforced disappearances. We also call on Houthis militia to fast and unconditional release of all detainees including enforced disappeared. Issued by The Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope)Wednesday, August 30, 2023Republic of Yemen