A statement condemning the ethnic cleansing crime and genocide Houthis group committed against abductees in Emran governorate.

We, Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance, strongly denounce and condemn the ethnic cleansing which Houthis militia’s leaders committed against 17 abductees from Harf Sufain district of Emran. Houthis abducted them on May 29, 2010, arbitrarily detained them in unknown place for 2 years before extrajudicial executing them by firing squad they were shackled and handcuffed. The horrific crime scene was in Wadi Mathab of As-safra’a district, Sa’dah, inside a cave near a secret Houthi jail by a direct order of Houthis leader Abdulmalik Al Houthi. The ethnic cleansing crime was carried out by Houthis’ leaders Yousef Ahsen Esmaeel Al Mdani (Abu Hussein), Mohammed Abdulkareem Al-ghmari .

The 17 people who were executed were dignitaries of Harf Sufyan and were :1 – Sheikh Muhsen Hadi Ma’kel 2 – Sheikh Saleh Bin Naser Khamousi 3 – Saleh Muhsen Saleh Gameelah 4 – Hadi Saleh Gameelah 5 – Hameed Ali Digran 6 – Ameen Saleh Gha’ib Digran 7 – Kayid Saleh Digran 8 – Bakeel Hadi Ali Laki 9 – Hadi Ahmed Hamoud Al-mouj 10 – Hameed Hadi Shiaban 11 – Abdullah Hadi Shiaban 12 – Saleh Abdullah Shiaban 13 – Mohammed Hadi Shiaban 14 – Baqi Bin Baqi Dhawi 15 – Kayid Kader Ali Manjd 16 – Yahya Hadi Mahfel 17 – Ghialan Saleh Ghialan Houthis abducted them from their homes after taking control over Darb Zaid area. Only 3 people have spared in this incident, one child and 2 others who became permanent disabled due to severe torture, they are the child Hameed Shaiban, Salem Saleh Gameelah and Amir Mutliq Gameelah. Houthis militia not only tortured the 17 abducted people, but killed them at the end of 2012 inside the mountain cave located in Wadi Mathab of As-safra’a district of Sa’dah. Then, closed the cave’s mouth with stones and cement. Before two weeks, Houthis militia’s leaders met with the families of the victims and some notables persons of Harf Sufyan. In the meeting Houthis leaders admitted on the tongue of Yousef Al Mdani, Mohammed Abdulkareem Al-ghmari and Ali Hmoud Al Moushki that the 17 abducted people were executed at the direction of Houthis leader Abdulmalik Al Houthi. Houthis leaders requested the victims’ families to sign a waiver in exchange for payment of Kalashnikov rifle (AK 103) and amount of 5 million, equivalent to $ 20000,for each family in an effort to cover the crime. When the victims’ families discovered the mass grave site and knew whereabouts of the corpses which was in Wadi Mathab, the refused to sign the waiver. They got threats by Houthis if they didn’t waive their rights to file complaints of the crime. As we, Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance, strongly condemn the ethnic cleansing crime and extrajudicial execution, we call upon local and international human rights orgs. to denounce this ethnic cleansing crime committed by Houthis against 17 abducted people. We call upon the UN to take its responsibility for protecting the civilian population and sending a fact-finding committee to collect evidence, preview the corpses and send them to forensics and prosecute Houthis militia’s leaders for the ethnic cleansing crimes they have committed against civilians before local and international tribunals. We also call Yemeni government to take care of the victims’ families, adopt their causes, prosecute the perpetrators of these horrific violations and other ethnic cleansing crimes against human rights. We, Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance, confirm that the acts of Houthis militia’s leaders, constitute a crime against humanity and is therefore imprescriptible. Issued by Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance

Monday, July 3, 2023Geneva, Switzerland.
