Ali Abdullah Surour was killed by his sons who joined sectarian courses for the Houthis, and I taught them that they must kill their relatives who refuse to join the ranks of the terrorist Houthi fighters

statment condemn Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance Members of the Houthi terrorist militia standing They killed their father in Amran governorate, north of the capital, Sana’a After the instigation of a supervisor from the governorate of Saada to the children of the victim to get rid of their father Musharraf al-Houthi directed his men to get rid of their father The victim ‘Ali Abdullah Sorour’ The one who was killed always advised his children not to go to fight with the terrorist Houthi militia and not to accept going to sectarian charging courses And stay to help him in agriculture and to support their mother and their younger brothers in providing a living from their farms

_ The sons of the dead man recently went to a course of sectarian charging at the hands of teachers of Iranian-Persian thought From Saada Governorate (Alumni of the Shiite Hawza in Qom – Iran) The children were accused by the Houthi teachers, and the children’s minds were mobilized that their father was a “hypocrite” and did not join the ranks of the terrorist Houthi militia. to fight on the fronts The children of the dead man assaulted their father by beating him with batons and rifle butts until he died Their father was killed today in Amran Governorate _ Al-Ahnum District _ Shahara Village ،

The region, of course, is one of the areas of infiltration of the terrorist Houthi militia .This heinous terrorist crime committed by the Houthis comes after an increase The high rate of “sectarian killing” in areas controlled by the terrorist Houthi militia, which is a dangerous indicator of the development and spread of the phenomenon of killing relatives due to the size of the Persian mobilization and its sectarian ideas in Yemen.More than 106 murders were committed by members of the terrorist Houthi militia to their relatives, in 11 governorates It is under the control of the terrorist Houthi militia, during the period from January 1, 2020 until today .We at Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance We condemn these Houthi terrorist criminal acts against civilians We condemn the extremism of the Houthi militia in dealing with those who oppose the terrorist Houthi militia’s ideology sectarianism ،

The ideas of sectarian training courses are wild and extreme They kill the people closest to them Because of the occupation of the cities by the terrorist Houthi militia, the state was absent ، The ideas of sectarian training courses are wild and extreme They kill the people closest to them 😔 Because of the occupation of the cities by the terrorist Houthi militia, the state was absent, poverty and unemployment spread, sectarian strife, robberies, displacement and forced kidnappings spread ،

The Houthis’ gross violations of women’s and children’s rights have expanded, and the Houthis have ordered young men to fight in the ranks of the terrorist Houthi militia or they will be subjected to physical liquidation at the hands of their relatives, motivated by the Houthis.

The perpetrators will not be punished, but they will be protected from the Houthis.We at Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance We hold the leadership of the terrorist Houthi militia fully responsible for the killing of the victim, “Ali Abdullah Sorour.” By his sons under the direction of the leaders of the terrorist Houthi militia .We call on human rights organizations, international organizations and the United Nations to intervene to stop these grave Houthi violations of human rights and to stop and hold accountable all those responsible for the sectarian accusation cycles and those who caused many murders throughout the governorates under the control of the terrorist Houthi militia

Issued by Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance January 1, 2023 Republic of Yemen