Statement of condemnation – The Houthis issue death sentences against 3 unjustly detained civilians from Al-Mahweet Governorate

statment condemn and denounce Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance In the strongest terms The rise of the terrorist Houthi militia today By issuing death sentences for three abductees and forcibly disappeared persons for seven years Today, the Houthi Specialized Criminal Court of the terrorist Houthi militia issued death sentences for three abductees from Al-Mahweet Governorate :1 / Abdulaziz Ahmed Ahmed Saad Al-Aqili was kidnapped on 9/29/2015 from Al-Mahwit _, Sana’a 2/ Sagheer Ahmed Saleh Farea was kidnapped on 9/29/2015 from Al-Mahweet ,_ Sana’a 3- Ismail Muhammad Abu Ghaith Abdullah, he was kidnapped on 7/20/2015 from Al-Mahweet ,_ Al-HodeidahAll of them were abducted from the road by the Houthi terrorist militia affiliated with the Houthi Preventive Security without any legal justification, and the three work as teachers in the educational field They do not have any military activity ، The Houthi terrorist militia, after kidnapping Ismail Abu Al-Ghaith, Abdulaziz Al-Aqili and Sagheer Farea, transferred them to the secret prison of the Houthi National Security in Jabal Saraf, east of Sana’a Governorate ، And she tortured the detainees in a brutal and barbaric manner until she afflicted them with various disabilities, and she hid them until the year 2022 AD, and prevented them from contacting, visiting, or any information, and she falsely denied the presence of the detainees with her ، After knowing their whereabouts last year, the Houthi terrorist militia transferred them to another detention center affiliated with the Houthi security and intelligence in the Political Security in Sana’a, then the Houthis transferred them to Shamlan detention center in Sana’a ، The visit was opened to them after they were psychologically and physically destroyed and deprived for seven years of seeing their wives and fathers. The Houthis prevented them from seeing their mothers and children ، Rather, the Houthis prevented them from seeing sunlight during the past 7 years of kidnapping ._ The Houthis initiated mock trial procedures in which there are no minimum standards of transparency or pleadings Rather, the Houthi Specialized Criminal Court issued pre-prepared verdicts from the National Security Agency and the Houthi Intelligence Service, and the Houthis handed over ready-made death sentences to the three detainees ._ We are in Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance ، We condemn the death sentences issued by the terrorist Houthi militia today For the right of the three abductees, and we hold the Houthi militia fully responsible for the lives of the three abductees, Abdulaziz Al-Aqili, Sagheer Farea, and Ismail Abu Al-GhaithWe are in Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance ، We call on the International Envoy for Yemen, the United Nations, the International Security Council, the Human Rights Council, and the signatories to human rights conventions and the United Nations Charter to assume their responsibilities towards the three abductees ، We call for prompt intervention to stop these unjust rulings against them and the hundreds of abductees issued by the terrorist Houthi militia ، death sentences against them We demand the condemnation and rejection of the death sentences of the three abductees, and work for the speedy release of all abductees from the prisons of the terrorist Houthi militia without conditions

issued by Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance Saturday, December 31, 2022 AD Republic of Yemen