The Houthis tortured Ibrahim Al_Thamani He died under torture

statment condemn and denounce Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance، In the strongest terms, the terrorist Houthi militia By kidnapping the young Ibrahim Al-Shamani and torturing him to death Last week, December 26, 2022, the Houthi militia kidnapped the young man “Ibrahim Yahya Hashul Al-Thamani ” from Sa’ada governorate and works in selling vegetables in the ” Al-Jamalah” market in Majz district, and took him to the Houthi militia police station, Al-Talh branch in the city of Saada without any legal justification He used the elements of the Houthi terrorist Preventive Security The most severe types of torture with the young Ibrahim Al-Shamani For a period of 24 consecutive hours, at the hands of 8 armed elements of the Preventive Security, the terrorist Houthi militia Who follows the Houthi leader supervisor in the terrorist Houthi militia called “Abu Muhammad Al-Fuhaid” And they practiced the most brutal forms of brutal torture against the kidnapped person until he died ._ The kidnapped from one of the tribes of the Sahar district in Saada governorate, the permanent stronghold of the leader of the terrorist Houthi militia _ The kidnapper’s family has appealed In its appeal to all local and international human rights organizations to condemn these criminal acts and to promptly prosecute the leaders Houthi and the elements involved in torturing the kidnapped “Ibrahim Al-Shamanito death _ We are in Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced DisappearanceWe condemn these Houthi terrorist criminal acts against the abductees We appeal to the honorable tribes of Saada not to allow the leaders of the terrorist Houthi militia In order for the Houthis not to be able to evade trial and punishment Because what the Houthi militia did against Ibrahim Al-Shamani is a new brutal crime within the series of brutal Houthi crimes against the abductees ، A stain on the forehead of the leaders of the terrorist Houthi militia, who are still hiding in their prisons dozens of abductees from Saada governorate and thousands of abductees in secret Houthi detention facilities._ Among the eight who brutally tortured the kidnapped victim was Ibrahim Al-Shamani : 1- Ali Silah 2- Called Khaled Al-Razhi 3- Abu Muhammad Al-Fuhaid 4- Abu Nasr This heinous Houthi terrorist crime against Ibrahim Al-Shamani comes after the issuance of The Houthi militia sentenced civilians from Saada to death and life imprisonment against 32 abductees in a secret trial on December 7_ we’re in Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance We appeal to local and international human rights organizations to condemn these Houthi terrorist criminal acts against the abductees_We call on the United Nations and the UN Security Council to assume their responsibilities regarding the crimes against humanity committed by the Houthis War crimes and ethnic cleansing crimes affected the abductees and affected children and women, and it requires an international prosecution to prosecute the leaders of the terrorist Houthi militia، And the trial of the Houthi elements involved in torture crimes at the International Criminal Court for war criminals . issued by Eradah Organization to Combat Torture and Forced Disappearance Saturday, December 31, 2022 AD Republic of Yemen