The Fifth Annual Report 2023 (Between the Hell of Suffering and the Absence of Justice):

The Eradah Organization Against Torture and Enforced Disappearance launched today in Geneva the fifth annual report “Between the Hell of Suffering and the Absence of Justice”. The report addresses many serious human rights violations and violations of the laws of war suffered by civilians in Yemen.The report was delivered today at Palais Wilson, United Nations High Commissioner As the war in Yemen is still going on for years, the serious violations against human rights are, unfortunately, still committed as well, with relative decline due to the successive truces between the parties in conflict. These violations very between abduction, enforced disappearances, torture, arbitrary detention, confiscation of rights, liberties and property, recruitment of children, systematic murder, siege cities, block the roads, hamper movement of civilians between governorates ,,,,,,

To read the report :…/1hSoHNaN9qvLox6onDTI…/view..