Chief of Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture attended the photo exhibition organized by Human Rights Association

Chief of Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope) Sheikh Jamal Al-Mamari attended the photo exhibition organized by Human Rights Association in partnership with Mayyun For Human Rights that took place in front of the Broken Chair in front of the United Nations Office in Geneva.
The photo exhibition displayed pictures illustrating Houthis militia’s violations against Yemeni children in its controlled areas, including those whom Houthis luring to attend the sectarian courses and recruiting by tapping the hard living conditions of their families.
In the photo exhibition, Sheikh Jamal Al-Mamari make statements to mass media and exhibition visitors explained the scale of violations against children in Yemen, the ways to defend children and the importance of raising community awareness about the risks posed by Houthis militia’s sectarian courses which are Houthis’ tools to devastate childhood and foster hatred and ignorance among children, demanding UN, UN Security Council and international human rights orgs to fulfil their roles in the protection of Yemeni children and halt destroying education in Yemen by Houthis militia