The presentation of Chief of Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope) in human rights seminar held on July 7, 2023.

    Geneva - Switzerland 

The presentation of Chief of Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope) Sheikh Jamal Al-Mamari in human rights seminar held on July 7, 2023.

       Chief of Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope) Sheikh Jamal Al-Mamari talked about the different types of violations and torture that Houthis militia committed against civilians in Yemen. He pointed out the torture he and thousands of abductees subjected to in Houthis militia's jails in the absence of concrete steps to address the issues of the abductees and their families up to date despite the tragic situations they are in, demanding Yemeni government, international community and civil society orgs to support and defend them and emphasizing the importance of providing proper physical and psychological care and integrating them within community.

         Al-Mamari indicated that the staff of both Yemeni Center and Eradah Org. make their own tireless efforts within the available capabilities for providing care to victims and defending them.

                 In his speech, Sheikh Jamal Al-Mamari touched on the ethnic cleansing crime against the 17 people of Harf Sufyan who were arbitrarily detained in Houthis militia's jails and extra-judicial executed in As-safra'a secret jail located in Wadi Mathab of Sa'dah, demanding Yemeni government and human rights orgs, international community and UN to condemn such terrorist act and stand by the victims and their families via sending fact-finding team and examining the victims' corpses, prosecuting the perpetrators of this heinous crime, which will be added to Houthis' criminal record against civilians in Yemen. 

         Al-Mamari elaborated on the dire need of human rights organizations to understand the monitoring and documenting mechanisms in line with international monitoring and documenting mechanisms to be able to monitore, document and archive cases as fast as possible.
          Yemeni Center Chief Sheikh Al-Mamari concluded that the true peace in Yemen can only be achieved through true transitional justice, reparations and ensuring that there is no impunity for perpetrators of violations and crimes, commending the efforts of Human Rights Association to coordinate the seminar.