The Chief of the Yemeni with Mrs @BrandLieke in Netherlands Mission’s headquarters in Geneva @NLinGeneva

Geneva – Switzerland

The Chief of the Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will & hope l) Sheikh Jamal Al-Mamari and his colleagues @RiyadhAldubai‬⁩ and @hassan_liza‬⁩ met with Mrs @BrandLieke in Netherlands Mission’s headquarters in Geneva @NLinGeneva‬⁩

    The meeting discussed the situation of human rights and the grave violations that the civilians were subjected to in Yemen, in particular the ethnic cleansing crime committed by Houthis militia against the arbitrarily 17 disappeared people from Harf Sufyan district, Emran governorate whom Houthis militia's members shot from zero distance on their heads while they were handcuffed.

    The Chief of Yemeni Center pointed out Houthis militia's constant crimes against civilians in Sana'a and other Houthis' controlled areas, including arbitrary detention, extrajudicial killing, the violations which the people of Hajoor and other Houthis controlled areas subjected to and the concerns and needs of victims and their families, stressing the need for a fair trial and prosecution of perpetrators as war criminals. He added that we seek to prosecute Houthis militia's leaders at war crimes tribunal in The Hague just like Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadizic. 

  He talked about the severe torture he was subjected to in Houthis militia's jails during 1114 days of detention which resulted in his left-hand side paralysis. 

    He addressed the mission that we, The Yemeni Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violations and Torture (will and hope), are collecting information and establishing files for each victim in preparation for demanding justice and ensuring that the victims can obtain their lawful rights, stressing that Houthis militia's crimes won't be in vain.
Also, the Yemeni Center Chief asked the Netherlands Mission why you have a tendency to overlook the victims of violations torture and forced disappearance and why don't pay them direct and actual attention.

    He touched on the desired peace in Yemen which be only through achieving true transitional justice, reparations and ensuring that the perpetrators don't go unpunished, emphasizing that any negotiation or meeting or peace effort that doesn't include the victims is doomed to fail, demanding Netherlands Mission to look at the condition of Yemeni people whom subjected to constant human rights violations to be able to know the needs of refugees and forced disappeared people after Houthis militia exploded their homes or took control over them. 

       The discussion touched on the laying-mines and military action of Houthis militia making use of the 4 wheel drive vehicles that Sana'a Center for demining got from Europeans as gifts for humanitarian demining. The participants explained to Netherlands Mission the urgent needs and the necessity of supporting Marib Center for demining.

 The meeting also addressed the suffering of the landmines victims, their demands and the support they hope from their friends in the Kingdom of the Netherlands wishing that their suffering is not exceeded, expressing the grateful of Yemenis for Dutch people for standing by Yemeni people to exceed the consequences of war and its repercussions.

    Yemeni human rights delegation discussed the restrictions on women and civil societies orgs. They expressed their appreciation for the efforts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to solve Safer problem. They also stressed the importance of supporting civil societies orgs in liberated areas and supporting the government establishments being the relevant authorities enhance and protect human rights, in addition to the importance of resuming the Dutch support concerning the economic part and keeping on supporting NCIAVHR. 
 We finally express our thanks to international association of rights for its coordination and work. 
