قصة مواطن أمريكي قتل تحت التعذيب الوحشي في دهاليز الظلم والإجرام الحوثية شاهد عيانها عميد المختطفين الشيخ جمال المعمري

( An American citizen was tortured to death in Yemen )The torture was brutal, which led to the death of the detainee. I did not expect the Houthis to be so brutal and terrorI have to tell the truth to clear my conscience 🥺That was the night of October 20, 2015The Houthis have admitted new prisoners to a secret detention center belonging to the National Security in the saref area of ​​Sana’a ( I was detained 7 months ago in the same secret prison )There was an uproar among the Houthis when they were brought into


detention center; they usually speak in awhisper. I knew by listening that they were Americans ،As I was able to hear them because my cell was close to the door of the investigation department office in the detention center, about 5 meters away After midnightThe Houthis opened the doors of two cellsThere was no electricity and they only used flashlights powered by portable batteries 🔦_The Houthis distributed the abductees They put the detainee “John Hamen” in a lonely solitary cellIt was the worst cell in prisonThen they opened another cell in the opposite direction and put the prisoner “Mark McAllister”_Within 3 days the abductee John Hamen, was demanding from the Houthis a medicine for But they refused to treat him from the first day,The Houthis were very brutal 😔they used to chant to him (death) death as they said to all the abductees in the prison,, but “John Hamen” was different ،cursing them due to the way they treated himIt has been Members of the terrorist Houthi militia (they beat him from time to time),Most of the jailers were They did not understand what he was saying, and he did not understand their words as well, so، they continued to beat him. This is because “Kon” who was translating to the Houthis was English to Arabic، used to come only once a day The other detainee, “Mark McAlister,” was in an easier situation than “John.”John’s cell was the worst cell in the prison, and any detainee that would enter it for only two days, would lose his mobility and collapse. The reason is that it is a completely darkThe dungeon is dark and the walls are full of mold and algae. It had no windows, no light at all, There is no ventilation in it_The kidnapped does not know whether night is day, and he cannot do that He doesn’t hear anything while he’s at it.The Houthis did not give “John” good food, and whenever he knocks the door, they curse him. All what they know in English was: ‘Shut up donkey.’ They open the cell door and spray “John” with cold water all over him. John decided to go on a strike with no food.As a protest, because they deprived him of treatment and good food, so they beat him twice within two days, and on the last night, the night of November 6, 15 days after his abduction, the Houthi terrorist militia gathered on him and threw him on the ground.Despite his huge body, he completely collapsed. He couldn’t resist at all because of starvation and the conditions of the cell and they beat him also in previous two days. He was groaning and aching during the past days, they were ruthless very His voice was sadIt hurts when I hear it and it hurts, I was so sad_After the Houthis opened his solitary cell, a number of them entered and beat him severely Then they threw him on the ground and one of them got up on his chest with his kneesThe Houthis were a number (…) They also stood on his legs, stomach and headJon Hamin was hurting and trying to scream but they held his breathWithin seconds, his voice faded and his spirit overflowed 🥺😭I saw those who killed him and tortured him with my own eyesAnd I knew them…will specify the details If his family asked me to do so or the judiciary system in the U.S.I remember all this and feel overwhelmed and very sadI am a person who has suffered torture, so I feel what the American citizen has been exposed toIt was so terribleI saw all the brutal torture he was subjected to, I watched the whole scene, and to preserve your feelings, I don’t want to mention everything here in social media. The scene was so terrifying I still remember it well. And I remember a ..other peopleThe detainees were(John Hamen, Mark McAlister)They wanted to meet with each other, but the Houthis were refusing “Mark McAlister,” wasconstantly knocking on the doorHe asks the Houthis to let him see JohnThe Houthis refused and brought another escort to Markhey took Dr. Abdelkader Al-Junaid out of my cell to accompany Mark McAllister for months, but both Mark and Dr. Abdelkader did not know what was going on with John, and after the death John, the body was dragged on the ground andThe Houthis have no humanityThey took pictures like the one in Abu Ghraib prison, one of the murderous Houthis saw me withwith his flashlight 🔦The prison was dark because the Houthis cut off the electricity to the detaineesI was using oxygen in front of Jun’s cellThey cut off my oxygenThey dragged me to my cell and my health is critical, I can’t breatheWhile I received a lot of insults and insultsI was afraid that the Houthis would realize that I watched everything. I was afraid that I would be liquidated in the same way as JohnIn a few days We stayed for about a week and then they took us to the solarium. (A place in the mountain hollow that reaches the midday sun perpendicular). There I met Mark McAllister and Dr. Abdelkader Al-Junaid. I whispered to Dr Abdelkader that they had killed John ..He said to me: Are you sure? I told him yes. He said keep the news so that you will not be harmed by the Houthis. They will kill you if they know that you want to publish the news. So you don’t get hurt, they’ll kill you if you tell Mark. Let’s keep Mark’s psycheFor everyone to know, the two American citizens who were kidnapped by the Houthis from Sanaa airport on October 20, 2015 Both abductees are (John Hamen,& Mark McAlister ) contractors with a security construction company working for the United Nations, they came to Yemen to contribute to work at the Sheraton Hotel in the residential city of Sana’a, a hotel used to house UN staff.The victim “John Hamen” has 7 children and a wife. 🥺They were denied seeing their father,John.The strange thing in the case ، The strange thing in the case is the silence of the US government about the two kidnapped Americans, as well as the silence of the United Nations.Why doesn’t the #United States of America arrest the Houthi criminals?Do you care about this victim? Isn’t it sad?Wait for those who committed these grave human rights violations in Yemen to be held accountable #Biden#SenateDems#HouseGOP The Houthis must be held accountablestill remember to this day the smallest details of that terrifying night, but I reserve . will be in any future testimony in front of his family, the judiciary system, or any party directly related to the accountability of the perpetrators.I am still psychologically suffering from what I witnessed from the horrific torture against the victim #JohnI also suffer from a disability due to the brutal torture carried out bythe HouthisWhat detainees are exposed to in Houthi detention centers is brutal_I call on all those with human consciences to save the detainees in the prisons of the Houthis_234 detainees were tortured to death by the HouthisI appeal to the international community to stop the Houthi torture crimes In YemenThe crimes of torture are horrific. I hope that everyone who reads my testimony will explain the extent of Houthi terror against civiliansI still appeal to the Yemeni government to continue my treatment in Germany Because I am one of the victims of brutal torture in Sanaa I wish the government to carry out its duties in completing my treatment, The Houthis paralyzed me. I have the right to be treated(End ) Testimony of the Dean of Yemeni Abductees and Prisoners, Sheikh Jamal Al-Maamari